Why Capital Project Management Innovation is Broken, and How to Fix It
Article initially published at Velocity Quarterly
Innovation in the capital projects industry is stagnant and nearly non-existent and has been a growing problem during an era of complex, dynamic and interdependent issues. Of course, when we consult the very people, companies and organizations that established the status quo, for solutions, we will find answers that have contributed to past failures. What’s more is Owner and EPC companies are hemorrhaging knowledge because they have no technical infrastructure for capturing, sharing and repurposing project expertise.
The capital projects management industry needs to find a system that encourages and accelerates innovation. The platform we are unveiling at the Petrochemical Update conference is a complete, ready-to-use operating system purpose-built for capital project teams. The proprietary T-CON™ operating system is embedded into a carefully designed and developed platform that poised to move the capital project industry into a new era - an era in which “innovation” is not just a buzzword.
If your company is serious about integration, project performance acceleration and building the capital project organization of the future, let's talk!
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We work with leading organizations through an Enterprise Innovation and Transformation Alliance to configure and implement a company specific Project Performance Acceleration Platform™.